The emotional skill set you need to exercise consistently (and joyfully!) for the rest of your life.

A Welcome from Dylan Williams

"I should work out" is something a lot of people (including me at one time) say to themselves. So why don't we? In this video, I discuss the two main components necessary to work out consistently - for the rest of your life.

About The ISWO Approach

The ISWO Approach is a self-paced video course focused on giving you the emotional skill set needed to work out consistently. The skill set allows you to reorient your approach to exercise in a way that is both genuinely joyful and a must-do in your life.

A video still of Dylan Williams explaining how to make regular exercise both easy and inevitable from the ISWO Approach.

Together we'll . . .

  • Delve into your subconscious ‘Monkey self’ and show you how to create a persuasive dialog with it so it assists, rather than resists, your intentions to work out consistently

  • Master the Monkey self's language, along with the entire emotional landscape of working out

  • Help you gain a sense of control and genuine enthusiasm that will allow you to exercise consistently and take your workout in any direction you want - for the rest of your life

The course is unique, informative, insightful, often quirky, and very fun. To help you get a feel for whether it’s right for you, the first 11 classes are offered at no charge. These classes provide much of the context for the ISWO Approach concepts and techniques that follow.

If you do decide to go forward with the entire course, we also offer referral bonuses for helping get the word out to others. (But more to come on that when you sign up!)

For now - sign up, kick back, watch the videos, and get excited about this life enhancing transformation!

About The ISWO Approach

A video still of Dylan Williams explaining how to make regular exercise both easy and inevitable from the ISWO Approach.

The ISWO Approach is a self-paced video course focused on giving you the emotional skill set needed to work out consistently. The skill set allows you to reorient your approach to exercise in a way that is both genuinely joyful and a must-do in your life.

Together we'll . . .

  • Delve into and meet your subconscious ‘Monkey self

  • Show you how to create a persuasive dialog with the Monkey self so it assists, rather than resists, your intentions to work out consistently

  • Master the Monkey self's language, along with the entire emotional landscape of working out

  • Help you gain a sense of control and genuine enthusiasm that will allow you to exercise consistently and take your workout in any direction you want - for the rest of your life

  • Delve into and meet your subconscious ‘Monkey self

  • Show you how to create a persuasive dialog with the Monkey self so it assists, rather than resists, your intentions to work out consistently

  • Master the Monkey self's language, along with the entire emotional landscape of working out

  • Help you gain a sense of control and genuine enthusiasm that will allow you to exercise consistently and take your workout in any direction you want - for the rest of your life

The course is unique, informative, insightful, often quirky, and very fun. To help you get a feel for whether it’s right for you, the first 11 classes are offered at no charge. These classes provide much of the context for the ISWO Approach concepts and techniques that follow.

If you do decide to go forward with the entire course, we also offer referral bonuses for helping get the word out to others. (But more to come on that when you sign up!)

For now - sign up, kick back, watch the videos, and get excited about this life enhancing transformation!

Still Undecided?

Explore the course curriculum below to get a more in-depth understanding of what the ISWO Approach has to offer!

Explore the course curriculum below to get a more in-depth understanding of what the ISWO Approach has to offer!

Part 1

Module 1: The 'Mind'field of Transformation

Getting in shape and working out consistently is as much a transformation of the mind as it is the body. In this module, you'll see how this transformation unfolds over time and, critically, the many (and sneaky) points of failure along the way. Learn about identity change and some easy ways to begin going down your new path.

Module 2: The ISWO Premise

The ISWO Approach reorients you to working out, away from a 'numbers-centric' approach to an 'emotions-centric' one. In this module, we explore this fundamental shift - what it is and what it means for you. You'll see why the typical approach to getting in shape is doomed to failure, and what your emotional 'targets' should be.

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Part 2

Module 3: Monkey Self and Reasoning Self

Why do people start a workout program and then, after only a few weeks, stop? What are the subconscious forces at work? In this module, we introduce you to your Monkey Self and your Reasoning Self - and why having them aligned is absolutely essential to your success. Along the way - you'll go through an exercise that actually begins the dialog with your Monkey self - it's wild!

Module 4: Monkey Self Vulnerabilities

Your Monkey Self may be very powerful and controlling, but it does have vulnerabilities. You can take advantage of these vulnerabilities to support your intention to work out. Get the secrets here!

Module 5: Sweet Emotions

Making the shift to an 'emotions-centric' approach to working out requires knowing the lay of the land. In this module, we give you a tour of the emotional ‘landscape’ and introduce you to the 'Boredom-Panic' continuum, the Joy Wash, and the 'Point of Deliciousness' (or POD).

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Part 3

Module 6: The ROAR Technique

In this module, we deep dive into the powerful ROAR technique - the direct connection to your Monkey self. The ROAR technique is central to the ISWO Approach, so we also explore some related FAQs. Additionally, you’ll create your own signature badass move!

Module 7: The Tyranny of the Fixed Number

In this module, we thrust a dagger into the heart of numbers-centric workouts once and for all! We also look at the real purpose of numbers in your workout - when to follow them, and - more importantly - when to dump them. For many people, this module provides the 'a-ha' moment of their reorienting.

Module 8: Tidal Progression

How does one make progress using the ISWO Approach? In this module, we go deep into the natural way you make progress and why your body tends to resist linear progression. Here, we'll review the Close the Loop technique and go in-depth on 'Wild-Hair' progress.

Module 9: Onward and Upward!

In this module, we discuss your identity transformation - what it means for you and for the people close to you.

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Part 1

Module 1: The 'Mind'field of Transformation

Getting in shape and working out consistently is as much a transformation of the mind as it is the body. In this module, you'll see how this transformation unfolds over time and, critically, the many (and sneaky) points of failure along the way. Learn about identity change and some easy ways to begin going down your new path.

Module 2: The ISWO Premise

The ISWO Approach reorients you to working out, away from a 'numbers-centric' approach to an 'emotions-centric' one. In this module, we explore this fundamental shift - what it is and what it means for you. You'll see why the typical approach to getting in shape is doomed to failure, and what your emotional 'targets' should be.

Part 2

Module 3: Monkey Self and Reasoning Self

Why do people start a workout program and then, after only a few weeks, stop? What are the subconscious forces at work? In this module, we introduce you to your Monkey Self and your Reasoning Self - and why having them aligned is absolutely essential to your success. Along the way - you'll go through an exercise that actually begins the dialog with your Monkey self - it's wild!

Module 4: Monkey Self Vulnerabilities

Your Monkey Self may be very powerful and controlling, but it does have vulnerabilities. You can take advantage of these vulnerabilities to support your intention to work out. Get the secrets here!

Module 5: Sweet Emotions

Making the shift to an 'emotions-centric' approach to working out requires knowing the lay of the land. In this module, we give you a tour of the emotional ‘landscape’ and introduce you to the 'Boredom-Panic' continuum, the Joy Wash, and the 'Point of Deliciousness' (or POD).

Part 3

Module 6: The ROAR Technique

In this module, we deep dive into the powerful ROAR technique - the direct connection to your Monkey self. The ROAR technique is central to the ISWO Approach, so we also explore some related FAQs. Additionally, you’ll create your own signature badass move!

Module 7: The Tyranny of the Fixed Number

In this module, we thrust a dagger into the heart of numbers-centric workouts once and for all! We also look at the real purpose of numbers in your workout - when to follow them, and - more importantly - when to dump them. For many people, this module provides the 'a-ha' moment of their reorienting.

Module 8: Tidal Progression

How does one make progress using the ISWO Approach? In this module, we go deep into the natural way you make progress and why your body tends to resist linear progression. Here, we'll review the Close the Loop technique and go in-depth on 'Wild-Hair' progress.

Part 4

Module 9: Dread Management

What do you do if you wake up one morning and don't feel like working out? What's going on? This module helps you understand the subconscious components at work and provides you the techniques to gently steer you back on track. Here, you'll learn about the Body Bargain and the Friction Reduction Chain - two powerful techniques to keep you genuinely engaged with your workout.

Module 10: Recovering from Fate Bombs

Fate Bombs happen to everyone. No doubt they've already happened to you. Fate Bombs take you away from your ability to work out. In this module, we discuss the skills needed to return to working out after a forced layoff.

Module 11: Weight Loss and ISWO

"You can't exercise yourself thin." In this module, we give you the ISWO Approach to losing weight, which is focused more on your identity and building inner strength than on what you actually eat. It's a unique take on how to lose weight and keep it off.

Module 12: Onward and Upward

In this module, we discuss your identity transformation - what it means for you and for the people close to you.

EXTRA: Putting it All Together with Sample Workouts

Okay - you've been introduced to all these concepts. How do they fit into the context of an actual workout? In this module, we'll show how the techniques are integrated into the full workout. The sample workouts cover Flexibility, Aerobic-ability, Balance, and Strength (or FABS - because they make your body Fabulous!).

© I Should Work Out 2024